Wednesday 4 May 2011

Eat. Pray. Namaste.

Yoga changed my life. Literally. Stepping onto that mat opened up a new world to me, one I had never really thought about previously. When I began to practise yoga more seriously I was driven to educate myself about its origins and teachings, and I liked what I found. Yoga literally means to 'unite' the spirit and the body, but it is much more than a series of postures on a mat. It is a way of thinking and a way of living. Not only was I leaving my classes feeling an amazing sense of calm that I hadn't felt in years, yoga got me thinking about my health and my lifestyle in a more holistic way. I was never particularly unhealthy and I exercised regularly, but I began to think about living my life in a way that demonstrated compassion towards others and towards the planet. I became a vegetarian after taking up yoga, and I haven't looked back. I have learnt to truly value my body and my health, and living a more sustainable lifestyle just makes me feel good.

Yoga has also taught me several lessons. I have learnt the importance of listening to my body. I like a challenge and I like to push myself, which is a good thing to an extent. But there have been times where I wanted to accomplish too much, and have ended up pushing myself to the point of exhaustion or even sickness. Through yoga I have learnt to stop and listen, and if it doesn't feel right I now know when I need to take a break and regain my strength, which always leaves me feeling better in the long-run.

Yoga has also taught me to breathe. In the business of day-to-day life, sometimes it's almost as though I forget to perform this simple act. It is amazing how much clearer your mind feels when you just stop, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself of where you are - bringing yourself to the present moment - and listen to how you are feeling. Try it!

Finally, yoga has made me aware of the power of the mind. Mental strength and a positive outlook work wonders towards achieving anything you want to achieve. As one of my yoga teachers said tonight, it's 1% physical and 99% mental. This mental strength has led me to accomplish things I may not have thought possible once upon a time.

There is also just something special about the benefits of yoga that can't quite be explained by modern science, a secret that has been passed on through thousands of years. I think I might know that secret. Maybe you should find out too...

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